Sewer Line Extension Committee

At their meeting on 8/21/2023 the Freetown Board of Selectmen established a Sewer Line Extension Committee. At their meeting on 9/5/2023 the Freetown Board of Selectmen approved the make-up and charge for this newly formed committee. 

The Make-up of the Sewer Line Extension Committee will be comprised of two (2) Sewer Commissioners, the Town Administrator, the Planning and Land Use Administrator, one (1) Planning Board member, one (1) Economic Development Committee member and one (1) Board of Health member or designees. 

The Charge of The Committee will work with the consultants and engineers to determine the location and applicable details of the sewer line extension project.

Name Representing Term
Robert S. Parker

Sewer Commissioner


Mark S. Rosofsky

Sewer Commissioner


Town Administrator


Planning and Land Use Administrator


Steven Tripp

Planning Board Member


Economic Development Committee Member

Board of Health Member