By-Law Review Committee

Created by vote of a Special Town Meeting on October 18, 2021, the By-Law Review Committee continues the work of the previously established Town Meeting Study Committee. In accordance with the article, the Committee consists of the Moderator, the Town Clerk (or their designee), a member of the Board of Selectmen chosen by that Board, a member of the Finance Committee chosen by that Committee, a member of the Planning Board chosen by that Board, the Town Administrator and one resident from each voting precinct, to be appointed by the Moderator.

The By-Law Review Committee is charged by the article with conducting periodic reviews of the Town's by-laws no less than every five years or more frequently as requested by vote of Town Meeting, and for making recommendations to the Board of Selectmen for additions, deletions, or amendments thereto as may from time to time seem advisable to it.

The By-Law Review Committee is subject to the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law.

Committee Members

Town Clerk

Carlos Lopes

Board of Selectmen Representative

Emily A. Dors

Finance Committee Representative

Steven Tripp

Chairmen, Planning Board Representative

Jose Ventura

Vice-Chairman, Representing Precinct 1

Representing Precinct 2

Paul G. Sadeck

Representing Precinct 3

Recording Clerk