Open Space and Recreation Advisory Committee


The Freetown Open Space & Recreation Advisory Committee is composed of nine members working under the direction of the Board of Selectmen, serving in the best interest of Freetown by providing clean and safe recreational areas and activities. Our focus is on generating short-term enhancements, developing long-range plans for our recreational areas and facilitating community use of our shared spaces in order to best serve our community. 


The Freetown Open Space & Recreation Advisory Committee functions to enhance our quality of life by providing safe, well-maintained recreational areas while preserving open space and historic resources. We appreciate the natural beauty that is Freetown. Our efforts aim at preserving and enriching that beauty by working with groups within Freetown, supporting the ideal that we are a “community and not just neighbors” and we will act to strengthen the bonds of our community.

Goals Our efforts will be in support of four major areas:

1. Encouraging responsible protection, use and maintenance of publicly accessible lands.

2. Improving communication among town boards, departments and the community concerning open space and recreational items.

3. Identifying strategic enhancements where open space and recreational areas are involved.

4. Engaging community, civic groups and individuals to build a comprehensive “Open Space Plan” that will enhance our properties and thereby increase the participation of all of our citizens to take advantage of and enjoy our parks and open spaces.

Board Members

Brian Almeida


Amanda Barlow


Lynn Furtado

Committee Clerk

Jeffrey Amaral
Linda Fournier
Ellen Lima
Brian Miller
Vacant Position
Vacant Position