Town Meeting - General Information & Citizens' Petition

From the Secretary of the Commonwealth:

"The purest form of democratic governing is practiced in a Town Meeting. In use for over 300 years and still today, it has proven to be a valuable means for many Massachusetts taxpayers to voice their opinions and directly effect change in their communities. Here in this ancient American assembly, you can make your voice heard as you and your neighbors decide the course of the government closest to you."

Town Meeting is where three major things are decided: the appropriation of money to run the town, the salaries of elected officials, and the Town's by-laws. How Freetown runs is directly in the hand of our voters.

Who Can Attend Town Meeting? 

There are two types of Town Meetings: an Open Town Meeting and a Representative Town Meeting (or a limited Town Meeting). The difference is who is allowed to vote - in an open Town Meeting, all of the Town's registered voters may vote on all matters, whereas only Elected Town Meeting Members can vote in a Representative Town Meeting. Freetown has an Open Town Meeting form of government.

Any voter registered to vote in Freetown by the appropriate voter registration deadline can attend and vote at Town Meeting. The final voter registration deadline is 5pm on the 10th day before a Town Meeting - if the 10th day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the deadline is the preceding Friday (exact deadlines are advertised by the Board of Registrars once specific Town Meeting dates are set). You can check your voter registration status at any time at


Non-Voters, except for town department heads and the Superintendent of Regional Schools, are not entitled to attend Town Meeting. As space allows, non-voters will be escorted into the meeting room and seated in a designated location. There are no exceptions to this rule, including for children. 

Citizens' Guide to Town Meetings

The Secretary has put together a Citizen's Guide to Town Meetings website that contains a great Question and Answer section about everything Town Meeting-related. There is also a downloadable booklet version of the guide as well.

Freetown's Town Meetings

Annual Town Meeting

In accordance with Article 1, Section 3 of the Town's bylaws, Freetown's Annual Town Meeting (also known as the Annual Business Meeting) is held on the first Monday in June at 7:30pm. A copy of the Warrant, which contains all the articles to be voted on at the Annual Town Meeting, is required to be produced by the Board of Selectmen and available to the voters at least fourteen days ahead of the Town Meeting.

Special Town Meetings 

Special Town Meetings can be called at any time by the Board of Selectmen or by a petition of 200 or more voters registered in Freetown. Freetown does not have a regularly scheduled Special Town Meeting, but in recent  years, we have held one on the same evening as the Annual Town Meeting and also another one in the fall. 

The Role of Town Officials At Town Meeting

Town Clerk

During the meeting, the Town Clerk is responsible for recording all votes of Town Meeting. Following the meeting, the Town Clerk is responsible for submitting general and zoning by-law changes to the attorney general's office for approval. The Office of the Town Clerk works cooperatively with the Moderator, who runs the meeting itself, to ensure all statutory requirements and procedures are adhered to.

Office of the Town Clerk Staff

Ahead of the Town Meeting, Office of the Town Clerk staff is responsible for checking in voters.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee studies the budget in the weeks and months ahead of the Annual Town Meeting, making recommendations on the articles on the Warrant. At a Town Meeting, the Finance Committee appears in their official capacity. In Freetown, the Finance Committee is an elected committee, with seven members serving three-year terms each.

The Moderator

The Moderator's role is to be the presiding officer of Town Meeting, and must decide all questions of order and must make public declarations of all votes. In Freetown, the Moderator is an elected position, elected to a three-year term. Since 1983, Freetown has had three Moderators:

NameFirst ElectedNotes
Michael T. McCueApril 6, 2015Currently serving
Bruce W. WilburMarch 6, 2006Originally appointed April 20, 2005 to fill an unexpired term
William E. WhiteMarch 3, 1982Retired on March 23, 2005

The Moderator has his own section of Please click here to visit.

Town Counsel

Town Counsel is a lawyer who works for the Town. Town Counsel is appointed by the Board of Selectmen.

Board of Selectmen

The Board of Selectmen are authorized to call for Town Meetings by the issuance of the Warrant. At Town Meeting, the Board of Selectmen appear as voters, and are represented by the Town Administrator. In Freetown, the Board of Selectmen is a three-member Board, with each member being elected to a three-year term.

Citizen Petitions

The general guidelines for citizens petitions appears in Massachusetts General Laws, Ch. 39, § 10, and also Article 1, Section 4 of the Town's Bylaws:

Each of the articles, unless inserted by the Selectmen shall be signed personally by not less than ten (10) registered voters for the Annual Town Meeting and not less than One hundred (100) registered voters for a Special Town Meeting.  The Selectmen shall call a Special Town Meeting upon request in writing of Two hundred (200) or more registered voters, said meeting to be held not later than forty-five (45) days after receipt of such request and shall insert in the Warrant therefor all subjects the insertion of which shall be requested by said petition.

A blank sample form that can be used to submit a petition can be found below. Exact verbiage must be printed on each of the petition forms so that signatories are aware of what they are actually petitioning for. If all requirements are met and the minimum number of signatures are certified, the article on the Town Meeting Warrant will appear exactly as submitted -- the submitted written verbiage cannot be edited once submitted. Spelling and/or grammatical errors will appear exactly as submitted for certification.

Potential petitioners should confer with the Town Administrator at the earliest opportunity in order to insure a timely and effective effort (though they are not required to). Citizens' Petitions must be submitted to the Board of Selectmen's Office prior to the advertised closing date of the Warrant. The Board of Selectmen's Office will forward the petition to the Board of Registrars Office, located in the Office of the Town Clerk, to begin the process of certifying the signatures.

Town Meeting Turnout

Meeting DateMeeting TypeNumber of Voters
June 5, 2023Annual Town Meeting143
June 5, 2023Special Town Meeting143
October 18, 2023Special Town Meeting227
June 6, 2022Special Town Meeting147
June 6, 2022Annual Town Meeting145
October 18, 2021Special Town Meeting128
June 7, 2021Annual Town Meeting107
June 7, 2021Special Town Meeting107
October 21, 2020Special Town Meeting10
October 3, 2020Special Town Meeting129
August 4, 2020Special Town Meeting113
June 20, 2020Special Town Meeting51
June 20, 2020Annual Town Meeting54
February 15, 2020Special Town Meeting185
October 28, 2019Special Town Meeting65
June 3, 2019Annual Town Meeting66
June 3, 2019Special Town Meeting68
November 14, 2018Special Town Meeting255
October 15, 2018Special Town Meeting151
June 5, 2018Special Town Meeting410
June 4, 2018Annual Town Meeting367
June 4, 2018Special Town Meeting367
March 14, 2018Special Town Meeting63
October 23, 2017Special Town Meeting68
June 5, 2017Special Town Meeting286
June 5, 2017Annual Town Meeting285
October 18, 2016Special Town Meeting102
June 6, 2016Annual Town Meeting100
June 6, 2016Special Town Meeting90
October 27, 2015Special Town Meeting43
July 15, 2015Special Town Meeting32
June 15, 2015Annual Town Meeting62
June 15, 2015Special Town Meeting66
November 19, 2014Special Town Meeting127
October 27, 2014Special Town Meeting59
June 16, 2014Special Town Meeting247
June 16, 2014Annual Town Meeting342
November 4, 2013Special Town Meeting56
June 3, 2015Annual Town Meeting73
June 3, 2015Special Town Meeting65
October 29, 2012Special Town Meeting47
June 28, 2012Special Town Meeting52
June 4, 2012Special Town Meeting77
June 4, 2012Annual Town Meeting91
February 9, 2012Special Town Meeting243
October 24, 2011Special Town Meeting48
June 6, 2011Annual Town Meeting116
June 6, 2011Special Town Meeting78
November 8, 2010Special Town Meeting242
June 7, 2010Annual Town Meeting184
June 7, 2010Special Town Meeting235

Helpful Links

PDF icon Citizens' Petition Blank Form177.62 KB