State Ethics Commission - State-Mandated Training & Educational Requirements

Summary of the Conflict of Interest Law

Newly elected or appointed public employees must be provided with the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Law within 30 days of election or appointment, and on an annual basis thereafter. All employees and board members are also required to acknowledge the receipt of this summary on an annual basis – therefore, you are being provided with a copy at this time and are required to sign a written acknowledgment that you have been provided with this summary. You are also required to complete a very brief acknowledgment module in the State Ethics Commission (described below)

Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Program

In addition, every two years, all state, county and municipal employees must complete a Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Program. This program was newly updated by the State Ethics Commission in January 2023, and is now tracked on their end. All employees and all board members are required, by law, to take the mandatory online training program located on the State Ethics Commission website.

State Ethics Commission Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Logo
Click the image above or click here to be taken to the Online Training Portal.

Newly elected or appointed public employees must complete this training within 30 days of beginning public service, and every two years thereafter. As noted previously, this information is now maintained and tracked by the State Ethics Commission.

Important Information

When you get to the site, you must first create an account using your own e-mail address – retain your login information, as you will need it for the duration of your service to the Town of Freetown. You will have two “courses” to take in the system: one is a very brief acknowledgment module, the other is the Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Program.

You do not need to provide the Office of the Town Clerk with the certificates produced by the website.

Make sure to select "Freetown" from the list of organizations when you create your account. If you select any other organization, we will not be able to find you in the system. If you need to change your organization, please review the instructions linked below.