Citizen Petitions

Both the Massachusetts General Laws and the Town of Freetown General By-laws outline procedures for residents to submit articles for consideration at town meetings via petitions.  Different meetings require different signature thresholds as outlined below.  When crafting your petition, you may wish to review warrants from previous meetings.  This will give you an idea of how articles are typically worded.

Annual Town Meeting
Articles submitted by petition for the Annual Town Meeting must be signed by a minimum of ten registered voters residing in Freetown.  Signature and address are required to verify voter status.  The town's by-laws outline a timeline for submitting articles for the annual meeting.  Please contact the Board of Selectmen after January 1st for guidance on when articles must be submitted for the annual meeting.

Special Town Meeting
Articles submitted by petition for a Special Town Meeting must be signed by a minimum of 100 registered voters residing in Freetown.  Signature and address are required to verify voter status.  Articles can be submitted throughout the year for the next available meeting.  Please contact the Board of Selectmen for information on the next scheduled town meeting.

Calling your own Special Town Meeting
Residents may call for holding a special town meeting by submitting an article by petition signed by a minimum of 200 registered voters residing in Freetown.  Signature and address are required to verify voter status.  If enough signatures are verified, the Board of Selectmen must then call the meeting within 45 days.